Dig Out Miner Golf
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Dig Out Miner Golf
It’s a great example of a combination of logic games with a certain sports component. The project Dig Out Miner Golf fully meets its name and will urge you to play golf in the most non-standard and unusual way of all possible. Ready to dig tunnels to drive the ball into the underground holes? Then bolder into battle!
The project won the hearts of a huge number of users around the world, which affects the popularity of the project. The game became a real breath of fresh air among a huge number of related projects, each of which pleases with only a limited part of the gameplay and hackneyed scenario plans. In Dig Out Miner Golf, you will get both a competitive component, and the presence of arcade gameplay, and a good way to practice your own logic, because driving a ball into an underground hole is not like playing classic golf! It will require cunning, the ability to find solutions in difficult situations, and remarkable ingenuity.
Here is a playing field with a golf ball. And to be as precise as possible - then you have a wide layer of soil in the depths of which a hole is hidden, where you need to drive the ball. Although this sounds illogical, you will have to dig tunnels so that your ball can easily reach its final destination.
That sounds pretty simple, right? However, this is only at first glance, because with each new level the game will become much more complicated and you will receive more and more tests, each of which will be incomparably more difficult than the previous one. And if at the initial levels you just need to carefully dig a path for the ball almost in a straight line, then over time you will have to invent new ways to deliver sports equipment to the hole.
Tasks will be complicated by constantly updated traps, the presence of foreign objects on the map, and a good number of different factors, each of which will in every way impede your victory. In any case, you have to try new methods of delivering the ball and enjoy the unique gameplay.
How to play?
The excavation procedure and any manipulations with objects are carried out exclusively via the main mouse controls. Point the cursor to the place where you want to dig and by clicking the left mouse button carry out the procedure for removing soil from the specified place. The game is completely dependent on the graphical interface into which various menu items and other active components are integrated.