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The Lumeno project is a logical game in which the user is invited to gradually remove the same components from the playing field. It would seem that the game does not shine with originality and repeats a huge number of related projects on the market. However, Lumeno was distinguished by an increased amount of attention, positive reviews, and reviews from specialized publications. The reason for this is small changes in the mechanics of control. And apparently, this is the same story when the “best” is not at all the enemy of the good, but the shortest path to victory in the competition.
Now you are looking at a playing field, which is saturated with numerous colored figures. Your task is to mark the maximum number of figures of one color at a time and destroy them. It should be noted that only the figure in which at least three components in one circuit is removed from the field.
You can select components using the mouse. Remember that you can select only those links in the figure that are in contact with each other. At the same time, you can connect components not only horizontally and vertically, but also diagonally, which is a serious difference from most competitive games.
Under certain circumstances, bonus components appear on the playing field. If they are in the chain of the deleted figure, they can destroy the entire line along one of the axes on which they are located. Among other things, the game will throw you bonus components of different functionality and it is advisable to collect all of them.
The global goal of the game is to complete the tasks or destroy the maximum possible number of components and figures. To complete the task, the system allocates a certain number of moves that can be increased due to bonus links randomly generated on the playing field.
How to play?
The control is completely in favor of a graphical interface with which you can interact via the main controls of the mouse.