Funny Golf
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Funny Golf
Even if you have never been fond of golf before and have never taken a club, then you definitely should try the funny game Funny Golf, which will give you a huge amount of positive emotions and allow you to fully enjoy the gameplay of a great game.
You are on a golf course, which is characterized by a large number of different obstacles and unusual coating architecture. If on ordinary golf courses we are used to seeing huge green meadows that are occasionally disturbed by the presence of natural barriers or hills, then you will find sharp elevation changes and a large number of narrowly concentrated reservoirs.
Despite the fact that outwardly Funny Golf is different from classic golf, the rules here are familiar. You need to hit the ball in the hole for fewer blows. The more times you hit the ball, the more points you earn. However, golf is one of the few games where more points are bad and you need to try to hit the ball in the hole with one blow.
There are a number of other rules that you should learn about before starting the game. If you send the ball outside the visible playing area, you will lose it and you will have to hit from the starting point. This is especially offensive if you have almost brought the projectile to the hole and you have a few centimeters left to reach the goal.
How to play?
Game controls are fully rendered on a graphical interface with which you can interact via the main organs of the mouse. Aim towards the hole with a guideline. Then hold down the left mouse button and move the cursor away from the ball as much as you want to hit. This remotely resembles a real bow shot, where you need to pull a bowstring, aim, and let go of the bowstring. In this case, the system will tell you the power of impact through color markers. All shades of green indicate a weak impact force, but starting from red to burgundy, the impact force is growing proportionally.
In doing so, you can hit the ball up with all your strength, and even when it disappears from the view, you will not lose it. This rule applies only to balls that are out of bounds on the sides of the playing court.
Game control is very specific and requires some skill. However, after a few games, you will quickly get used to how to hit the ball and with what tension force to release the cursor when aiming.