Most of what we know about the Vikings today comes from their enemies and neighboring countries. They made a significant contribution to the fearsome reputation of the northern peoples. Based on the life of these people, many high-quality games have been developed. However, not all Vikings were so warlike. Archaeological excavations have revealed a lot about their way of life and culture. For example, most of their people did not go on raids at all but led a rural and settled life.

The Vikings were robbers, traders, and conquerors abroad, but they were hunters, fishers, and cattle raisers in the homeland. The basis of Scandinavian society was formed by independent peasants working on their own or with relatives. They remained free no matter how small their allotment was and were not tied to the land belonging to someone else. In Scandinavian society, family ties were developed, and all members usually acted together with relatives in essential matters.

The Vikings formed family clans. This means that several families were under the protection and organization of their leader — the "jarl." Viking communities numbered no more than 1,000 people. Shipping was an important part of Viking life. With their ships, they not only went to fight and plunder but also discovered and settled new areas. They attacked monasteries and small villages, as well as cities with whole armies and siege weapons with which they could overcome the city walls. They amassed wealth from their booty to trade and provide for their families.

Viking weapons were:

  • Bow and arrows;
  • Various swords, spears;
  • Battle axes;
  • Shield.

Swords and spearheads and arrowheads were usually iron or steel. Yew or elm wood was used for bows, and braided hair acted as a bowstring. Viking shields were round or oval. Usually, light pieces of linden wood, upholstered along the edge and across with iron stripes, went to the shields. In the center of the shield was a pointed plaque. For protection, warriors also wore metal or leather helmets, often with horns, and warriors from the nobility often wore chain mail.

Vikings ended being violent at the end of the 11th century. Many factors contributed to the end of campaigns and discoveries that lasted more than 300 years. Vikings are often portrayed as brutal and violent berserkers. At the same time, they are also pioneers and strategists. Gradually change your tactics and prefer customization over terror. They mastered the conquered territories, assimilated the conquered land, enriched it, and created great civilizations. The dynasties they founded ruled the British Isles and the northern coast of Europe for centuries. It is also worth noting the linguistic influence. In some regions of the UK, for example, in Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire, more than 60% of all personal names are Scandinavian in origin.

The history of these mighty conquerors is impressive. Thanks to browser-based Viking Games, any user, regardless of age, can enjoy the Scandinavian atmosphere of the Middle Ages. Viking games are popular because they let you know how people lived before the 12th century. This is a great way to have a good time and learn something new.